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the toad
癞蛤蟆  detail>>
 n.  1.【动物;动物学】蟾蜍,癞蛤蟆。 2.讨厌的家伙;〔古、谑〕家伙,小家伙〔常作小孩的爱称〕。  短语和例子  ...  detail>>
amavgosa toad
纳氏蟾蜍  detail>>
american toad
陆蟾蜍 美洲蟾蜍  detail>>
andes toad
安第斯蟾蜍  detail>>
baucous toad
兰杰蟾蜍  detail>>
black toad
黑蟾蜍  detail>>
cameroon toad
睫眉蟾蜍  detail>>
canadian toad
达科他蟾蜍  detail>>
cane toad
海蟾蜍  detail>>
canyon toad
峡谷蟾蜍  detail>>
catholic toad
贝氏架纹蟾  detail>>
chinese toad
中华蟾蜍  detail>>
count the toad
数蛤蟆  detail>>
crucifix toad
贝氏架纹蟾  detail>>
dakota toad
达科他蟾蜍  detail>>
depressor toad
水动力沉子  detail>>